Why is vitamin D important for children? A few of the many reasons…
1) NHANES 2001-2004 found over 70% of US children and adolescents were vitamin D deficient or insufficient (serum levels < 29 ng/mL). This was six years ago – incidence has been steadily increasing.
2) Childhood obesity affects 17% (12.5 million) of America’s children, placing them at risk of significant adverse health outcomes. Obese children with atherosclerosis-promoting risk factors are showing signs of advanced “vascular age.” Low vitamin D levels are associated with obesity.
3) Inadequate vitamin D nutrition during perinatal development may threaten a child’s long-term health outcome well into adult years, as a risk-modifying factor for many chronic diseases including osteomalacia, rickets, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, heart disease, type 1 diabetes, and cancer.
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Vitamin D Lecture by Oliver Gillie
An Excerpt from –
The Annual Caroline Walker Lecture by Oliver Gillie; November 16, 2010
Dark forces
“… science should not be discussed just in technical monotone. Nutrition and
food policy is everybody’s business, and I believe, as did the founders of the
Royal Society, that the most vital scientific issues need dynamic expression and
vigorous debate in plain language. Everybody concerned with the sustenance of
the whole living world now and in the future, is in a battle against dark forces.”
Geoffrey Cannon – The Fate of Nations – Caroline Walker Trust Lecture 2003
In this lecture I attempt to go beyond the scientific monotone referred to by
Geoffrey Cannon and, indeed, to tackle dark forces of a kind. To avoid the
technical monotone I have brought in celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and
Jacqueline du Pré whose illnesses illustrate the consequences of vitamin D
deficiency. Critics may say I have wasted time on this when I should have been
delving further into significant differences and meta-analysis but I make no
apology. The data on vitamin D and disease is now very extensive, yet it remains
little known. So I have attempted to stimulate interest and arouse curiosity in the
hope that you will search for more evidence and apply your own critical
Dark forces lie behind the pandemic of illness caused by insufficient vitamin D.
Not, perhaps, the forces Geoffrey Cannon had in mind, but nevertheless powerful
changes that affect the way we live, movements which individuals cannot easily
control. As cities grew, smoke from domestic fires and industry polluted the
atmosphere, blocking out the sun which is our major source of vitamin D.
Rickets, the tragic disease that distorts the growth of children, emerged in
epidemic form in 19th century Europe. It was the surface reflection of much more
sickness and of pitifully brief lives, recorded by Dickens in his literary records of
life in our city slums.
Air pollution is the first of the dark forces that block out the sun. In the UK the
Clean Air Acts of the 1950s did much to remove the most obvious smog and bring
sunshine into our cities. Only now are we beginning to understand the depths of
sickness and deprivation caused in the past by air pollution and insufficient
sunshine. Scientific evidence now links insufficient vitamin D with some of our
most common diseases: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and multiple
sclerosis are among them.
Other secular changes limit the amount of sun we get. Most important are the
desk jobs that keep us indoors all day and the TV programmes and computer
activities that keep us inside at the weekend. Instead of warming ourselves in the
sun outside our cottages as of old we stay indoors because our work keeps us
there and our houses are more comfortable and better heated than they have ever
been. Fashion is another secular force with dark effects: schoolboys no longer
wear short trousers and girls wear leggings in the summer. Overuse of suncreams
and everyday use of cosmetic foundation blocks the UV that makes vitamin D in
skin. And there is another force which I hesitate to call dark: people have been
wrongly told to avoid the sun when simple exposure to sunshine is beneficial if
burning is avoided.
These secular forces are dark not only because they block out the sun but
because their full effects on health have been unrecognized, hidden. Now, as a
result of many years of scientific investigation, we can comprehend their effect in
shading us from the sun which is our natural source of vitamin D. Understanding
mechanisms of disease has led to great hygienic reforms in the past. In the 19th
century modern sewers were built when the spread of cholera in infected water
became understood for the first time. In the 20th century major changes in our
habits have come from demonstration of the ill effects of smoking. In this century,
understanding the importance of sunshine and vitamin D may be expected to
bring further benefits.
We know sufficient now about vitamin D to forge new policies that will save many
lives. We need vigorous debate. A scientific monotone is not enough. We must
engage the public and policy makers if we are to contend effectively with the
forces of darkness.
Oliver Gillie,
Health Research Forum,
London, October 2010
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Free Vitamin D Infomercial Sees Huge Response
GULF BREEZE, FL – After launching a nationwide infomercial in select test markets, Bob Barefoot, known as “Mr. Coral Calcium” is seeing a tremendous response to his message and his offer for “Free Vitamin D for Life”.
Barefoot says that Vitamin D3 is a critical nutrient that the vast majority of us are not getting enough of. He reports that after the medical industry (led mainly by Dermatologists) initiated a nationwide scare some 30-40 years ago, warning us to avoid the sun, we saw a major increase in Vitamin D deficiency. Most of us know that Vitamin D helps build strong, healthy bones. But Barefoot tells us that’s only a very small part of the story; explaining its role for cell function, brain development, and overall good health and disease prevention.
Recent studies conducted by top medical institutes as well as the US Government show that Vitamin D3 can actually help ward off a host of diseases. In a recent article published on the US Government’s National Center for Biotechnology Information website states: “There is enough evidence that severe deficiency of vitamin D may lead to skeletal and nonskeletal disease. Both children and adolescents seem to be in high risk of low vitamin D status especially during winter. Having a diet higher in calcium and vitamin D as well as oral supplementation with vitamin D may be necessary for children and adolescents not only in the absence of sun exposure in winter time but also in preventing other diseases such as diabetes type 1, cancer and cardiovascular disease.”
Bob points out that when our skin is exposed to natural sunlight, the penetrating UVB rays generate huge amounts of vitamin D; as much as 50,000 international units (IU) in as little as 30 minutes. But most of us do not get enough sunlight or exposure on a regular basis, to guarantee we’re producing enough Vitamin D3. He also states that the vitamin D in our foods is usually Vitamin D2, which is not useable by our bodies. So that leaves supplements to pick up the slack.
Bob Barefoot has been selling “coral calcium”, calcium derived from the coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan, and promoting its health benefits as well as researching the link between calcium and vitamin D for many years. In the recent infomercial, where he’s interviewed by Kim Estes, he offer’s viewers bottles of “Barefoot Free Vitamin D3” with 90 tablets each containing 2000 IU of Vitamin D3. The vitamin D is free and his callers pay only a very small shipping and handling charge.
Barefoot routed all the calls to his Navarre, Florida call center which is managed by BarefootAndHealthy.com. Owner Brad Riley reported that the response to the infomercial was overwhelming and tells us: “With the recent press and media concerning the importance of Vitamin D and calcium, I feel that we’re clearly in a position to help America become healthy again, and then help the world!”
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
What are the diseases that have been implicated due to Vitamin D Deficiency?
Alcoholism, anxiety, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, bone disease, bone pain, burning in the mouth, Cancer – prostate – colon – breast, Celiac-Sprue, coeliac, crohn’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, cystic fibrosis, depression, diabetes, diarrea, enzymatic diseases, fatigue, fibromyalgia, Graves’ disease, heart disease, hernia, high blood pressure, impaired wound healing, inflammatory bowel disease, insomnia, intestine irritability, joint pain, lupus, malabsorption, multiple sclerosis, muscle pain, myopia, nervousness, obsessive disorders, osteomalacea, osteoporosis, panic attacks, Parkinson’s, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, scalp sweating, schizophrenia, thyroid disorder.
In his latest study, Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, of the University of Minnesota Medical School found a much higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency in the patients with unexplained muscle and skeletal pain than expected, regardless of their ages.
All of the African Americans, East Africans, Hispanics, and Native Americans who participated in the study were vitamin D deficient, as were all of the patients under the age of 30.
The researcher says it was a big surprise that the worst vitamin D deficiencies occurred in young people — especially women of childbearing age. The findings are reported in the December issue of the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Vitamin D deficiency is believed to be greater than 85% of the population in North America! People who are deficient in Vitamin D are subject to decreased health and wellness.
In Bob’s book “Barefoot on Vitamin-D” he tells a story! Barefoot stands for Vitamin D as being a unique and valuable bio nutrient for health as well as, in his opinion, the best vitamin supplement available. Vitamin D is a “Powerhouse of Health” giving nutrient supplementation that combines to support all body chemistry.
Learn more about “Natures Perfect Nutrient”