Different Types of Coral Calcium
Coral Calcium Types – An Explanation
It is important to recognize that two broad, but distinct types of coral calcium, are used as health giving supplements by the Japanese and many people throughout the world.
The first type is fossilized coral calcium that has been deposited on the land mass, or washed up on the beaches. The second type is taken directly from the sea bed. The sea-bed coral calcium is the coral that has dropped from the reef or is processed by reef inhabitants. This type of “coral sand” has been washed to the ocean floor by wave actions. Marine coral calcium is closer in composition to the living forms of corals, because the marine microbes are still active and many minerals and organic elements are retained, in comparison to fossilized, land-based coral.
These are important differences in composition between fossilized (land-based) and marine (sea-bed) coral calcium. Marine coral calcium contains more magnesium, and the balance of calcium (24%) to magnesium (12%) content of this second type of marine coral is close to 2:1. This 2 to 1 ratio is the ideal ratio for calcium and magnesium intake in the human diet.
My research has led me to believe strongly that the natural, magnesium enriched, marine coral calcium is to be strongly preferred as a health giving supplement over land based (fossilized coral), which contains less than 1% magnesium. This superiority of the marine coral is due to its retained, ideal, ionic balance of calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, and the fact that for the fossilized type, a host of other nutrients were also washed out during weathering processes.
Choose the best product available, Bob’s Best Coral Calcium 2000 which has a full of 2,000 mg per daily serving of Marine Coral Calcium.
Bob Barefoot
Chemist, Author, Lecturer on Coral Calcium and Vitamin D3 Supplementation.
Structure of Coral – Calcium
Corals belong to the phylum (group) of marine organisms called Cnidaria (Coelenterata) which also includes jellyfish, sea anemones and hydroids. These organisms tend to be symmetrical with digestive tract that has one single opening. They process a “nematocyst” or stinging apparatus which contains and protects the coral polyp with venom of varying potency.
The stony corals are named because they secrete a supporting exoskeleton (outside hard structure). This stony covering contains the soft structures of the living coral polyps. These living corals form reefs which support a large biomass. In tropical waters and some temperate zones theses corals proliferate to a vast degree that builds islands.
A classic example of this geographical phenomenon is the infrastructure of the islands chains in and around Okinawa, Japan.
Coral calcium is derived from reef-building coral and it is harvested from the pristine waters off the Nansei Islands (Rukuyuku and Satsunan), Japan. These islands spread towards the south east from the southern tip of Japan’s main land mass towards Taiwan. Using careful, harvesting techniques that are sustaining for the environment, several companies collect and process coral calcium for use as a food supplement. The Japanese government supervises this collection process and they provide special certification to certain types of coral.
Under a microscope, coral appears as tubes, horns and honey combs. It has the appearance of an abandoned city. Coral calcium has been officially recognized by the Japanese government as a valuable food supplement. This official standing was registered by Japan in July 1989, but the coral sands have enjoyed thousands of years of local use as an important source of health giving nutrients in the diet of Okinawans.
It was discovered by the early Spanish explorers, 500 years ago, who filled their ship holds with the coral sands. The chemists in Spain, attempting to discover the reason for its miraculous curative properties, discovered that the main ingredient was calcium, so they renamed it “coral calcium.” Today, tens of millions of people around the world consume coral calcium daily.
So, join us, one of the millions who use Coral Calcium to supplement our diets with essential minerals and nutrients only nature could provide.
Bob’s Coral Calcium Recommendation Found Here.
Reciprocal Harmony of Life in the Seas
The sea contains a massive expanse of life which it supports by its content of “free-floating” minerals and bio-active, nutritional compounds. Water provides an ideal communication pathway for messenger molecules of life. There are free floating hormones in some areas of the sea that are elaborated by certain marine organisms. These ecto-hormones (ecto means “from outside”) can be taken up by various other plants or life-forms in the ocean and cause many biological chain reactions that support the diverse array of marine inhabitants.
The chemical balance in the oceans supports life in complex ways. Therefore, one cannot be surprised by scientific reports that many marine life forms and their environmental waters or habitants, such as coral reefs, produce substances that have potent and versatile biological actions in nature. Marine compounds of various types have been found to be antifungal, antibiotic, anticancer, antiviral, growth inhibiting, analgesic, cardio-stimulatory (or inhibitory) and antangiogenic in their actions.
To add to our appreciation of the health secrets that the oceans contain is the recognition that four fifths of all life on our planet (about one half million species) lives in water. Massive amounts of suspended organic matter are incorporated into the food chain of marine organisms. Furthermore, marine organisms, such as living corals or mussels, process or expose their life cycle to thousands of tons of water. In one estimate, a small colony of mussels (ten million) can process one square mile of sea water that is 25’deep. As “big fish eats little fish” or marine organisms are used in complex food chains, the permutations of transfer of active molecules become limitless. Humankind joins this complex harmony of planetary life when it harvests the offerings of the oceans.
Coral Calcium is a true gift and benefits us greatly as a natural form of minerals and other natural components that we so desperately need to achieve optimal health. We are not destined for pain and discomfort as we age, we are just led to believe that this is normal. It’s not! Learn More…
Coral Calcium – Clues on Longevity, Health and Minerals
Clues on Longevity, Health and Minerals
My personal odyssey to define the link between minerals and health was reinforced by knowledge that certain geographical locations in the world had inhabitants who were strangers to illness and lived to a ripe, old age. Among these longevous people are Abkasians from Georgia, the Hunzas of Pakistan, the Bamas of China, the Vilcabambas of Ecuador, and certain Azerbaijans.
These small populations seem to share a common factor that they live at high altitude. Living at high elevation presents an ecology where melting glacial water has an abundant mineral content, for example each quart of Hunza water contains about 20,000 milligrams of calcium, and these people drink several quarts each day. I believe that the common denominator in this group is that their diet is high in mineral nutrients that are derived from melting glaciers and snow. Many other scientists, such as Dr. Joe Wallach, have proposed this mineral factor is longevity.
This association between abundant mineral intake and health is supported by the finding that sea level populations with health and longevity, such as Okinawan’s in Japan, have a similar abundance of minerals in their diet. In the case of Okinawans the source is the offerings of the coral reefs around the Rukuyuku islands. These reefs provide mineral enrichment to the water supply and coral is often taken as a supplement in the diet. Again, one could claim an “interesting” coincidence, but after a while the many coincidences start to imply proof of cause and effect.
Whilst minerals may not be the whole story of health and longevity. I believe that they are much more important than has been previously supposed. There has been a tendency in modern medicine to reject remedies of natural origin, such as coral, that have centuries of precedence of successful use. The pendulum is now swinging in the opposite direction as pluralistic medicine emerges and we move back to basics in applying optimum lifestyle and nutrition for health. Coral Calcium serves as a historical example of a natural agent from the ancient seas which holds great power for health and well-being.
Chemist, Author, Lecturer
Bob Barefoot
Purchase your authentic Robert Barefoot coral calcium today!
Returning to “The Calcium Factor”
In my book entitled “The Calcium Factor,” I present viewpoints and statistics that may not be wholeheartedly embraced by conventional medicine. My clear focus in this book was to highlight the underestimated importance of calcium for health.
No healer would doubt the essential nature of calcium, which is the most abundant mineral in the human body, for health, especially related to its role in signaling biochemical processes in cells, controlling muscle contractions, initiating DNA synthesis, and building bones. However, the general level of calcium intake in the Western diet is much lower in many people than is required for optimal health.
Furthermore, there are many other ancillary actions of calcium, such as critical control of the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the body fluids. This is demonstrated by the fact that body fluids become more acidic with aging when calcium is lacking, in the diet. This results in the expulsion of oxygen which can lead to numerous diseases, such as cancer, according to two time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg.
I have referred to calcium as the “King of the Bioelements,” where deficiency of this element is invariably associated with a whole host of diseases. Calcium, however, does not act alone in the body. It has to be present in abundance with other minerals and cofactors (especially magnesium and vitamin D), in order that it can play its pivotal role in health. The secrets of coral calcium for health become unwrapped as we begin to explore the role of coral minerals in supporting the chemistry of life.
More to come in my next post…
Author, Chemist, Lecturer
Bob Barefoot
Purchase a copy of The Calcium Factor today!