Are Nutrients Dangerous?

By: Dr. Russell Blaylock

If you ask the media, the answer is: Sure, everyone knows that! You’ll get the same answer from the medical elite. But what does the hard data show?

A recent study from the annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal “Clinical Toxicology,” found no deaths from vitamin/mineral supplements. Once again, that is ZERO deaths.

A friend of mine collects data for both pharmaceutical-related deaths and natural supplement-related deaths. Several years ago, he found that there were about 100,000 deaths per year for pharmaceutical drugs and none for natural supplements.

To put this into perspective, over a 10-year period, pharmaceuticals kill 1 Million people — that is, more than all the Americans killed in World War I, Wold War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War — combined.

Despite this glaring disparity, the government and the medical elite think we need to outlaw over-the-counter, natural supplements because they are just too dangerous. For more information on the dangers of medical care by elites see the book “Death by Modern Medicine” by Carolyn Dean.

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Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Asthma

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Asthma

Study Shows Asthmatic Kids With Vitamin D Insufficiency Have Poorer Lung Function

By Charlene Laino
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

March 3, 2010 (New Orleans) — Many children with asthma have low blood levels of vitamin D, and the insufficiency seems to place them at risk for more severe disease.

In a study of 99 kids with asthma, 47% had vitamin D insufficiency. Compared with children with normal levels of vitamin D levels, those with vitamin D insufficiency:

* Had poorer lung function
* Had higher levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE), an immune system protein the body makes in response to allergens that tells you the likelihood that you’re allergic
* Were more likely to need inhaled and oral steroid medications to reduce airway inflammation and mucus production
* Were more likely to need long-acting beta-agonist drugs that relax muscles in the lung’s airways, improving a patient’s ability to breathe freely and reducing asthma symptoms.

Further studies in the lab showed that vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory effect on cells and enhances the activity of inhaled steroids.

About 21 million Americans suffer from asthma, which is caused by inflammation and swelling of the airways. The inflammation, in turn, can cause excessive mucus production and narrowing of the airways, resulting in asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

The findings were presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology annual meeting.

The study doesn’t prove cause and effect. And it’s not clear whether low vitamin D causes more severe asthma that requires treatment or whether more severe asthma lowers vitamin D levels, says study researcher Daniel A. Searing, MD, of National Jewish Health in Denver.

Also still unknown is whether vitamin D supplements would improve asthma control and lower the need for medication, he tells WebMD.

Still, a number of studies now suggest that low vitamin D levels are associated with allergies and asthma, says James Gern, MD, vice chair of the committee that chose which studies to highlight at the meeting and professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

If a person has vitamin D insufficiency, “we need to correct it anyway. So it will be interesting to see if the supplements help improve asthma symptoms,” he tells WebMD. Gern was not involved with the work.

In the study, vitamin D insufficiency was defined as levels below 30 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

A daily dose of Bob’s Best Vitamin D3 (5000 iu) provides the human body with the positive benefits of exposure to natural sunlight, without the reported potential risk associated with exposure to UV Rays.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

What are the diseases that have been implicated due to Vitamin D Deficiency?

Alcoholism, anxiety, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, bone disease, bone pain, burning in the mouth, Cancer – prostate – colon – breast, Celiac-Sprue, coeliac, crohn’s, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, cystic fibrosis, depression, diabetes, diarrea, enzymatic diseases, fatigue, fibromyalgia, Graves’ disease, heart disease, hernia, high blood pressure, impaired wound healing, inflammatory bowel disease, insomnia, intestine irritability, joint pain, lupus, malabsorption, multiple sclerosis, muscle pain, myopia, nervousness, obsessive disorders, osteomalacea, osteoporosis, panic attacks, Parkinson’s, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, scalp sweating, schizophrenia, thyroid disorder.

In the latest study, Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, of the University of Minnesota Medical School found a much higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency in the patients with unexplained muscle and skeletal pain than expected, regardless of their ages.
All of the African Americans, East Africans, Hispanics, and Native Americans who participated in the study were vitamin D deficient, as were all of the patients under the age of 30.
The researcher says it was a big surprise that the worst vitamin D deficiencies occurred in young people — especially women of childbearing age. The findings are reported in the December issue of the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

In his latest study, Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, of the University of Minnesota Medical School found a much higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency in the patients with unexplained muscle and skeletal pain than expected, regardless of their ages.

All of the African Americans, East Africans, Hispanics, and Native Americans who participated in the study were vitamin D deficient, as were all of the patients under the age of 30.

The researcher says it was a big surprise that the worst vitamin D deficiencies occurred in young people — especially women of childbearing age. The findings are reported in the December issue of the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Vitamin D deficiency is believed to be greater than 85% of the population in North America!  People who are deficient in Vitamin D are subject to decreased health and wellness.

In Bob’s book “Barefoot on Vitamin-D” he tells a story! Barefoot stands for Vitamin D as being a unique and valuable bio nutrient for health as well as, in his opinion, the best vitamin supplement available.  Vitamin D is a “Powerhouse of Health” giving nutrient supplementation that combines to support all body chemistry.

Learn more about “Natures Perfect Nutrient”

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Excess Acid is KILLING YOU!

Your body is an amazing thing.  At birth you have the perfect pH balance and everything is working in metabolic harmony.

The miracle of life, cells creating new cells, causes your cells to burn nutrients for fuel. The result is highly toxic acid waste!

Over the years, this acid waste can build up and cause your tissues to become acidic. Your balance has changed and you are now the perfect breeding ground for one or more of the thousands of illness caused by over acidity.

Over 70 years ago Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Dr. Linus Pauling upset the medical community when he proclaimed “You can trace EVERY sickness to a mineral deficiency.”

What this means is that any health issue that you are experiencing now could be improved or eliminated by bringing your body back to pH balance. Joint pain and stiffness, digestive problems, memory problems, mood swings and age related issues may now be a thing of your past.

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But don’t be fooled!

Most coral calcium products today are made from inexpensive fossilized coral that is dug out of the ground. It has virtually no magnesium and most of the trace metals and marine microbes have been washed out by thousands of years of rain.

The authentic products by Bob Barefoot only use the true high grade, marine coral calcium called SMP 44 or Sango Mineral Powder 44.

The Japanese government commissioned studies to determine why the people of Okinawa live ten years longer than mainland Japan and why they are virtually disease free while having youthful bodies.

All three studies concluded that it was due to the calcium in the coral water, “coral calcium”. Remember that marine coral calcium has been consumed for hundreds of years by hundreds of millions of people.

It has the perfect biological 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, and it is loaded with trace minerals and marine microbes to help digestion.

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